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Methuselah is a 4,846-year-old Bristlecone Pine tree (Pinus longaeva) growing high in the White Mountains of Inyo County in eastern California.
It is believed to be the longest living organism. (right)
Methuselah is also a mythical old chap who lived to be 969 years old until Noah's flood killed him. (He couldn't swim).
Methuselah is also the World's "Longest Time To Play" Board Game !
Methuselah is an extraordinary game... but it can only be played by
Extraordinary peopel !
It can be played by 2 to 12 people, but the minimum duration of a game is 1 year !
Politics and Religion !
Two topics we are told to avoid...
No matter how logical or reasonable your comments, unless you hold the same view as your fellow conversationalist you'll likely have an interesting debate.
So, do you have an obligation to be friendly but honest, or is the social lore to nod politely and advise "I understand your position entirlely".
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