IQ - The "average" range of IQ is from 91 to 110.
About 1% of people have an IQ above 135.... including:
Leonardo da Vinci - >200
Issac Newton - 190
Bobby Fischer - 187
Galileo Galilei - 185
Rene Descartes - 180
Immanuel Kant - 175
Charles Darwin - 165
Wolfgang Mozart - 165
Albert Einstein - 160
Nicolaus Copernicus - 160
Rene Descartes 1596 - 1650 was a French philosopher, mathematician and writer who spent most of life in Holland. A true genius he set the foundation of the scientific method. His great work is quite short... The Discourse of the Method and is available by clicking on his nose.
His best line....... "I think, therefore I am"
Click on image right to get to TED - an amazing forum for ideas.. find Tom and many more.
What If ? What if you were born on a deserted island and your sole parent dies when you were three. It was a paradise with food and water and a mild climate.
You can read but the only books are on chemistry & geography & maths & carpentry & chess & clocks & horticulture & astronomy & medicine.
There are no fiction books nor religious books nor philosophy books.
When you are rescued at 21 years of age have you independently developed a religion and a belief in a God?
Not likely as there was no imperative to do so.
So when there is no great gap in knowledge of their surroundings, and no one telling & encoraging you to believe in a God, and no churches, and no bibles, there is no God.
Would a God find a way to make himself / herself known to such a poor and isolated individual, or does he just miss out?
Occams' razor (a principle of problem solving devised by an English friar in
the 14th century) states that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.