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The Business of Business is a funny Business.

You can get the theory, and an understanding of the latest buzz words, from the many business books for sale. If you want to know how business really works then you only need do one thing.... talk to people who succeed. There is no substitute for experience.

Is the name executives give to their mistakes.

Experience. Often it means you are old enough to have made most of the obvious mistakes, but to me it means you have been involved in a number of different businesses, in a number of different roles.


The well rounded person with a broad experience has a great deal to offer. So don't be lazy, sieze the opportunity to try as many relevant disciplines as you can.

Its worth doing and worth discussing. Politics is the enemy of ideas and innovation. It matters not whose idea it is, just its quality.

Thinking. All the great minds had many personality differences of course. Some were nice and some were not.


However, the one trait that all genius and invention has is this one - Curiosity.

Be sure to set clear instructions and monitor closely. Some can be of great value but too many just cost time and money.

Consultants. They often can take no ownership and have nothing vested in the results. Ensure you set the deliverable's and pay only for the results.




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The best way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.

Money. It's like food in that if there is not enough its a major issue, whereas if there is a surplus the amount of surplus is not of major importance.


It's there to be spent on having a fun life and to give your children a start. Plan ahead!


The best strategy, if not accompanied by action, is just an idea.

Strategy. Few people truely understand what this is, so don't be one of them, and put in the effort to get it right.


A great strategy will lead you to success, but its never just one good idea.

A core pillar of leadership. Treat people well and make the right decisions. Breach trust and you are done for as a leader.

Truth. There is tact to be employed of course, so there is no need to wield it like a sword, but there is no rationalisation that can rationalise away the truth. Greed may tempt you, but character will steer your course.


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