Before I Die ...
A Bucket List
Secure membership into the Explorers Club and attend their legendary annual New York dinner.
I'd like to see Lois and Harry complete their education and established in their careers and living in a home they like.
Launch a Kickstarter campaign, probably the publication of a hardcover of Descartes' Discourse of the Method.... I have produced a prototype.
Retire before I get my first hip replacement.
Have an awesome 60th Birthday Party with Billy Idol as the the live entertertainment ! (missed this one)
Write a fiction novel about the smartest genius in the world and his journey into deep psychosis.
Have a library with a ladder, and a nice reading chair.
Meet an Astronaut. DONE, met Mike Mullane July 2016
Travel to the Antarctic.
Take Lois and Harry to New York City. DONE July 2016
Finish the management book I have started and outlined.
Buy 1000 new cardboard boxes and take them to the park and build an awseome fort!
Build either a submarine, hover flyer, or roller coaster.
Build a canal from the coast the Lake Eyre making it a permanent inland sea (okay - this one is a long shot!)
Be invited to write the foreword to a book.
Be arrested for speeding on my push bike.
So far:
Climbed in the Everest region. Rode my bike 500 km around the main island of Fiji. Been north of the Arctic Circle.
Ran 10 km in under 40 min. Completed many Triathlons and fun runs. Drank 3 concrete mixers in Chicago and lived!
Scared myself rock climbing a grade 20 in the Blue Mountains.